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Translating Complex Science Into Engaging Scientific Copywriting

Communicating scientific concepts to the general public can be challenging, especially when complex terminology and technical jargon are involved. It’s easy to fall into the trap of over-explaining or using overly-complex language. Unfortunately, this style of science communication simply won’t engage your readers— they’ll just click away!

That's where science copywriting comes in. By translating complex technical writing in science into engaging and accessible copy, you can make your latest breakthrough accessible to a wider audience.

Ready to learn about translating complex science into engaging copywriting? Let’s jump right into the benefits of scientific copywriting and learn about our 6 top tips for writing in science!

What Are The Benefits Of Translating Complex Science Into Scientific Copywriting?

  • It can communicate your findings to a wider audience. Turning complex scientific ideas and medical writing into fun copywriting makes your findings more engaging to a wider audience. For example, scientists in other scientific disciplines, engineers, and more.

  • It bridges the gap between scientists and the general public. As above, scientific copywriting can bridge the gap between complex ideas and make your findings more palatable to the general public. This is a great way to build trust and confidence in scientific institutions and foster a greater appreciation for science's role in our lives.

  • It can be used to promote scientific discoveries. Communicating the potential benefits and applications of scientific research is important. It can help to attract investors and sponsors who can provide the resources and support needed to advance scientific knowledge and achieve breakthroughs.

  • It can be beneficial to other scientists and researchers. Translating complex science into scientific copywriting can also be a valuable tool to help scientists to learn skills outside their usual field of research.

person typing on a computer
Engage your scientific audience through effective copywriting

Top 6 Tips For Writing Engaging Science Copywriting

Consider your audience

Tailor your tone and writing style to suit your audience. Different types of scientific communication will require a different writing tone. Be sure to consider their level of scientific knowledge, interest in the topic, and motivation for reading. For example, if you’re writing for social media, you should focus on being more general. However, if you’re writing for a popular scientific magazine, top science writers know you can use more technical vocabulary.

Avoid using jargon

Use clear and concise language to get your point across. This will make your writing more accessible to a wider audience. Start by identifying the key terms or phrases you will need to use in your copy and think about how that could be explained in a simpler way.

For example, a popular and well-known jargon-busting phrase is using “the powerhouse of the cell” instead of "mitochondria.” It is not only a memorable phrase, but it helps people understand the function and use of the mitochondria in the cell.


You can use the narrative techniques commonly associated with storytelling to turn abstract concepts and technical jargon into relatable and compelling stories that capture readers' attention and imagination.

One of the main benefits of storytelling is that it can help make scientific concepts more accessible to a broader audience. People are naturally drawn to stories, and by weaving scientific information into a narrative, you can make it more engaging and easier to understand.

For example, let's say you're writing about a complex medical procedure. Instead of bombarding the reader with technical details, you can tell the story of a patient who underwent the procedure and how it transformed their life. By using storytelling techniques like setting the scene, introducing characters, and describing their emotions and experiences, you can establish an emotional connection and convey the same information in a much more compelling and memorable way.

Avoid over-explaining

When it comes to converting complex science into engaging copywriting, it can be tempting to want to explain every little detail to ensure your audience fully understands the concept. However, over-explaining can actually be detrimental to your writing and end up confusing your audience even more.

Over-explaining concepts can lead to a lack of clarity in your writing. By trying to cover every possible angle of a concept, you may end up obscuring the key points you are trying to make. This can result in your readers coming away with a muddled understanding of the concept— the opposite of what you want to achieve!

Use visuals

Because scientific concepts can be so technical, visuals can be incredibly helpful when comforting these complex ideas into engaging copywriting.

Try using diagrams, illustrations, and charts can help readers understand complex scientific concepts more easily and increase reader engagement. They provide a clear and concise way to represent data and can make it easier for readers to see the connections between different pieces of information. They can also make your article more memorable and help readers digest the information quicker.

Edit and proofread

All writing should go through a revision process. This process starts with you.

Proofreading and editing are especially important in scientific writing because precision and clarity are essential for effective communication. Aim to reduce your word count by around 20% in the final cut.

Take special care to catch grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors. These mistakes can be distracting to the reader and undermine the credibility of the content. A careful review of the content and a quick spell-check can help ensure that it is error-free and polished.

Furthermore, a fresh pair of eyes can often catch errors that the writer may have missed. This is why having a team of editors and proofreaders (like Co-Labb) is essential to producing high-quality scientific copywriting.

Co-Labb can offer feedback and suggestions for improvement, ensuring that your content is accurate, engaging, and effective. Check out some of our previous work to learn about our process.

The Bottom Line on Science Copywriting

When it comes to writing about science, it is essential to balance scientific accuracy with readability, clarity, and engagement. Focus on using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon and over-explaining, incorporating visuals, and editing and proofreading your work to ensure all writing is high-quality and engaging.

Additionally, leveraging the power of AI tools, such as natural language processing and machine learning, can help streamline the process and enhance the quality of your scientific communication.

If you simply don’t have time for this level of detail, Co-Labb is here to help. From SEO-optimized life science content to in-depth medical writing expertise, our expertise will be a game changer for you and your audience. Learn more about what we do here.

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