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Team Co-Labb

Your Guide to SEO Blogs For Life Sciences

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

Picture the scene— you’re a dab hand with a pipette, your KHP titration is the palest pink possible, and you’re the mitochondria of your lab’s social group. But, when it comes to life science marketing, you fall a little flat…

Why is your website not getting any hits?

Is it the pictures, the headlines, or the site content?

The answer is— it could be any combination of those things! Life science marketing is a science in itself, and getting the balance between a search engine optimised (SEO) webpage that’s enjoyable to read can be tricky! Read on to learn our top tips.

What Is Life Science Marketing?

Life science marketing is promoting or selling your life sciences business or service. It encompasses all aspects of social media, search engine optimization, and website design.

Life science marketing aims to draw potential customers to your website, educate them on your services, and convince them to buy. Marketing is one of the most valuable tools for growing your business, so you must focus on your marketing campaigns.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving your website’s content to increase its visibility when people search for keywords. SEO is calculated using an algorithm that includes keyword density, user experience optimisation, and the number of internal links. However, many elements go into search engine optimisation.

Top Tips For Blog Search Engine Optimisation

Blog articles will be one of your biggest causes of organic website traffic. Their long-from style makes them perfect for hitting optimal keyword density, and you can include plenty of engagement-boosting lists and images.

While there are many aspects to search engine optimisation, you can implement some quick wins today to help improve your website’s rankings.

Focus on user experience

User experience is crucial when it comes to life science marketing. The amount of time users spend on your website is factored into the SEO algorithm. Ensure your front page is engaging and welcoming and includes a variety of engaging media. This might include white pages, polls, or case study videos.

Remember: Write for your customers first and the search engine second.

Post regularly

Consistency is key when it goes to life science marketing! The algorithm is boosted by sticking to a consistent posting schedule. Try looking into your social media page’s analytics section to understand when your page gets the most organic traffic and post on these dates to boost engagement.

Include keywords, but only a few!

While it is important to include keywords in your website’s body text and headings, including too many keywords is known as ‘keyword stuffing.’ Keyword stuffing is detrimental to the SEO algorithm and will rank your website lower on Google! Strike a balance between using keywords that feel natural but do not oversaturate your text.

SEO Examples For Your Website

There’s no time like the present to improve your website’s SEO! Let’s look at an SEO content example and discuss how we could improve the ranking.

Start by searching the following in your favourite search engine:

Site: [your URL]

For Co-Labb, this brings up the following:

From this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your key pages shown here?

  • Are your key pages in the order you’d like them to be?

  • Do all the links work?

  • Do any keywords appear in the description?

If you have answered no to any of the above questions, it might be time to complete an SEO audit to understand how you can improve your website’s search engine results.

Need help figuring out where to start? Never fear; Co-labb is here! Get in touch with our SEO experts today to understand what we can do for your website. From fully designed content campaigns to SEO blog articles and social media posts, we can provide an end-to-end, hands-off solution.

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